Prices & Services


Piano tuning

A standard tuning visit includes a full tuning and up to a half hour of extra work which may include a pitch raise, regulation, small repairs, fixing sticky keys, fixing or aligning hammers, cleaning, lubricating, adjusting pedals, and/or voicing. The cost of a standard visit varies based on location* but is $220 for customers within a reasonable distance of Renton, WA.

Broken string

Replacing a broken string costs $45 for one string, or $25 each for multiple strings. For broken copper-wound bass strings, please ask for a quote, as I may be able to repair the broken string instead of replacing it. (The cost for ordering a single replacement custom wound bass string is $60 including shipping.)

Missing ivories

Replacing missing ivory key tops costs about $10 per ivory wafer, if done in conjunction with a normal tuning appointment. (Replacements are “recycled” ivory salvaged from old pianos.) Replacing a complete set of ivory with acrylic or plastic costs $650. This includes planing down the key tops to account for the extra thickness of the acrylic over the original ivory, “notching” and finishing the sides, and leveling the keys.

Piano Dehumidifier

Installation of a Dampp Chaser “Piano Life Saver” dehumidifier system costs $320 for upright pianos or $370 for grand pianos, including parts and labor. These systems make future piano tunings more stable and can prolong the life of a piano by counteracting seasonal humidity swings.


A service call to evaluate or inspect a piano (without tuning) costs $120. (This is also the cost for a half hour non-tuning (repair/regulation) visit.) People often schedule this service just before buying a used piano. I do a thorough inspection of the piano inside and out and make notes of any problems. For an emailed report with pictures (typically for inspections in which you are not present) please add $30.

Other repairs or regulation

For more repairs or regulation beyond the scope of a normal service call, please ask for a quote. I generally charge about $75 per hour, depending on the job.

I don’t repair/refurbish player piano systems, and I charge $25 extra to tune old player pianos and “birdcage” pianos due to the extra difficulty. I do not work on “square grands”


I offer the following discounts:


  • Discount for return customers tuning their pianos at least once a year.


  • Per-additional-piano discount for households or businesses with multiple pianos.


  • Per piano for neighborhood friends coordinating back-to-back tunings on the same day.


  • Discount for college students or senior citizens.

Customers paying by card should expect an additional fee of $5 or 3% of the transaction amount.

*Note: The first 40 miles (round trip) are included in the cost of a standard visit. For distances beyond that I may charge around a dollar per extra mile.

Piano technology requires a wide variety of tools
Tools of the trade



A full tuning includes everything needed to get a piano in tune and working, which may include a “pitch raise” and/or monire repairs, such as fixing sticky keys misaligned hammers, and annoying buzzes.


Making sure the parts of the piano work together properly. This will improve the feel of the piano, increase control and response, and eliminate problems like double-hitting hammers, non-working dampers, sticking keys, etc.


This can involve fixing or replacing anything that is broken or missing, including key ivories, pedals, screws, hammers, strings, keys, action parts, hinges, knobs, et.


Includes replacing old worn felt, replacing hinge pins for hammers and action parts, replacing hammers or dampers, installing new keytops, restringing, etc.


Modifying a piano’s hammers to achieve a better tone (often via softening the felt or reshaping the hammers).